Rose Quartz Seer Stones
Seer Stones (aka Window Crystal or Ema Stones)
Seer Stones are Quartz that have been naturally tumbled in rivers. Depending on the location that are found in, they can be in forms of Quartz like the Amethyst, Clear, Rose or Smokey varieties. Some of the best specimens come from Brazil and are found along the Ema River, they have also become known as Ema Eggs. Frosty white on the outside, they have polished faces or "windows" showing their clear inside. They have a opaque white rind and have been flattened and polished on one side to form a window.
Seer stones have long been used as an aid to scrying. Gaze into the polished cut window to see your future or gain insight into your present, present and future. Seer Stones are even said to stimulate pre-birth memories. It is also said that you can program a seer stone in order to go to a specific time so that you can access the knowledge you need from that time. Seer stones will come to a person when they are willing to take an honest look within and are ready to accept the truth.
* Healing with crystals are a means to spiritual support and is not a substitute for medical treatment. Please see your doctor for medical advice for any serious health concerns.