Unakite Sphere
Unakite Sphere
Size approx 5cm
Metaphysical & Healing Properties
Unakite is a kind and compassionate stone, and great for developing and nurturing your emotional health. Unakite is a gentle stone, but with powerful energy. Unakite has a calm energy that encourages self love and self confidence. It helps release pain and anger built up from the past. It promotes peace, connection and reunion. Unakite searches for truth in all things and helps to find and identify the underlying causes. Unakite unleashes hidden emotional pain.
Unakite is an excellent stone to aid in the decision making process. It assists one in taking back control of their life and embraces one to remain powerful in times of being a victim. Unakite removes energy blockages blocking personal growth. Use Unakite to heal from compulsions, obsessions and childhood traumas.
Unakite has a highly balancing energy, and is an excellent stone to use if you are seeking a balanced relationship. Give Unakite to a lover for a symbol of union. It is also used to promote a feeling of partnership between colleagues.
Unakite helps the body’s self healing system and promotes healthier organs/muscles/soft-tissue. Unakite aids tissue growth and relaxes the muscles. It also aids hair growth. It is useful in support of the heart and lungs, assisting function, circulation, balance of bodily fluids and metabolism.
Unakite is a traditional stone for children and childhood, symbolizing their prospects for their future. It encourages children to feel safe and secure when discussing their problems.
Unakite benefits the female reproductive system and promotes support during recovery. Unakite stimulates a healthy pregnancy and facilitates the health of the unborn baby.
Unakite Jasper is a talisman for those who have trouble finding things. It is also a good luck charm, especially when taking a risk.
Placing a large specimen or bowl of Unakite tumblestones in the environment brings calm and gentle energy, and negates the effects of electromagnetic pollution from televisions, computers and other technological devices.
Unakite is made up of a mixture of different materials, including quartz. Unakite is made up of either Salmon Pink Orthoclase or Red Jasper with Green Epidote, and they have various other inclusions which may be quartz and/or granite.
* Healing with crystals are a means to spiritual support and is not a substitute for medical treatment. Please see your doctor for medical advice for any serious health concerns.
** Stand not included